The first and perhaps one of the emotionally taxing steps in the eldercare journey is actually figuring out how to begin. It most certainly isn’t the easiest conversation to bring up. To make a comparison, it can be related to a family intervention. However, this conversation sets the groundwork to enable an easier transition when […]
Helpful Tips
File a Tax Return – Even if the IRS Says You Don’t Have To
By Stuart Furman in Helpful Tips No Comments
An experienced accountant recently advised me to have all my clients file a federal and state income tax return whether or not the client’s income was high enough to require it. With the increase in identity theft and cybercrime, if a social security number is unlawfully obtained and used to file tax returns seeking a […]
Nursing Home vs. Assisted Living, Which One Is It?
By Stuart Furman in Helpful Tips No Comments
It goes without saying that eldercare brings a host of new and confusing terms for families who are just starting out to navigate the waters of caring for an elderly loved one. To make matters more complicated, different terms are used in different regions of the US, and even in the same area, many professionals […]
Pretend You Are Old!
By Stuart Furman in Helpful Tips No Comments
I found it quite enlightening when I used my mom’s walker and traveled around her apartment. It gave me a better perspective on how she needs to maneuver and where the fall risks are. Power cords are like trip wires from Vietnam! Get them out of the way immediately. Make sure that the chairs are […]
Pack Your Suitcase
By Stuart Furman in Helpful Tips No Comments
Getting ready for eldercare is like going on an extended trip. You pack your suitcase with the necessary items, such as toiletries, clothes, jackets and the like. You may also pack a bathing suit just in case you might want to take a swim. You might pack your tennis outfit just in case you get […]
Autonomy vs. Safety
By Stuart Furman in Helpful Tips 5 Comments
As a senior’s health begins to fail, there comes a time when a conflict arises between the parent’s interests and the children’s interests when it comes to safety and autonomy. There were polls done among parents and their children and the overwhelming results are that the parent wants to keep their autonomy and the kids […]
What is ElderCare, exactly?
By Stuart Furman in Helpful Tips No Comments
What exactly is ElderCare? My definition of eldercare is not necessarily helping your folks with bathing, grooming, toileting, and the like (which many families do), but rather all the other stuff like making doctor appointments and taking them to the doctors; handling all their financial business of deposits, bill paying, tax return preparation; handling phone […]
About Helpful Tips
By Stuart Furman in Helpful Tips No Comments
Over time I have came across a few helpful tips and bits of information that have made my helping to manage my family’s life easier. Check back soon for new posts!